Over 36 Years Of Hands-On Healing Experience
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What is Chiropractic?

Why Chiropractic?

Chiropractic was discovered in 1895 by DD Palmer. It has been used ever since to keep people healthy ever since. Chiropractic has changed people’s lives by providing relief that in many cases no other health care systems have been able to do.

If you or someone you love is not at their best or just wants to stay healthy, consider adding Chiropractic care as a part of their life plan.

When should I see a Chiropractor?

Many people will see a Chiropractor if they are suffering from headaches, back or neck pain or pain in their shoulders, hips knees or other extremities. But many of our patients will come in just to stay healthy. A form of health maintenance for them and their entire family.

What can I expect on my first Chiropractic visit?

While Chiropractic practices may vary, your first visit in our office will include:

  • complete patient paperwork
  • consultation with Dr. Robbins to discuss areas of concern and determine if x-rays are needed
  • orthopedic/neurological spinal exam and structural analysis
  • spinal adjustment

What is a spinal adjustment?

The Chiropractor will first determine if there are any spinal misalignments by examination and possibly x-rays. The adjustment involves moving the spinal segment into an improved position to reduce nerve interference and restore normal motion. This is done by hand or with the use of an adjusting instrument.

For more information on Dr. Robbins’ training and experience, please click here.

Chiropractic is…

a system of healthcare which involves hands on adjustments by a trained Chiropractor. The practice of Chiropractic holds that the misalignment of the spinal segments (vertabrea) can not only cause pain and discomfort but affects the entire body’s nerve system. This can prevent you from being as healthy as you were intended to be.


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